Financial Risk Mitigation, Inc. (“FRM”) is a corporate investigative firm that assists its clientele in mitigating financial, regulatory, and reputational risks by way of developing best standard Investigative Due Diligence reporting programs to provide critical insight into the character of individuals and entities that our clients transact with.
FRM’s client base includes governmental agencies, top 10 banking institutions, sovereign wealth funds, institutional investors, pension funds, fund of funds, family offices, foundations, endowments, investment banks, commercial banks, private equity funds, venture capital firms, hedge funds, commercial real estate lenders and investors, Fortune 500s, franchisers, and professional service providers.
FRM’s officers have over one hundred (100) years of combined experience in the investigative due diligence industry. FRM routinely conducts complex reviews spanning multiple continents through our network of international analysts. Through standardization of many of our processes combined with experienced human analysts, we are able to efficiently perform our inquiries to reach the speedy resolutions our clients rely on.